What is the benefit of Collagen?

Collagen is a major component of your skin. It plays a role in strengthening skin, plus may benefit elasticity and hydration. Reduce visible wrinkles, and increase blood flow to the skin. It keeps your skin from sagging, giving us that plump, youthful look.

COCOSOLIS Collagen Booster Face & Body Dry Oil has an anti-age effect. Natural ingredients with intoxicating, unforgettable aroma of exotic fruits.
✔ A mixture of 8 precious oils of exotic and superfruits
✔ Refresh the skin, leaving it young and tight
✔ Reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles


膠原蛋白 - 凍齡の秘密

25歲以後,人體自身產生的膠原蛋白會加速流失; 及時補充膠原蛋白,就能抑制皮膚衰老,讓肌膚保持生命力,持久年輕!



COCOSOLIS 身體護理油系列 - 第一彈






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